We all have a Turning Point in our Lives. This is the Turn toward Yourself. First. It's called Self Love and it's Magical.

Coaching is a Vital part of anyone's Life.

We get coached in School, Sports, Jobs...but do we ever think to have a Life Coach? An Emotional Coach? An Addictions Coach?

The answer is not Really. Not until Now.

The fastest growing industry in Personal Development is Coaching. Why?

It's because we all can share our gifts with the Planet and get paid for it. It's the best Life you can create for yourself, by Serving however you can.

I learned this Practice well in my AA Community.

Why Me? Why Now?

I believe Love is a Holy Energy.

I believe Love Energy is the Power of Action.

It starts with 1 person vibrating at a Level of Enthusiasm, Passion, Love and existing at a resting state of Joy.

That 1 person, vibrating high, raises the Frequency of at least 20,000ish other souls vibrating at lower frequencies. 

This is Unconditional Love.

This practice of vibrating higher ALSO helps raise the Planet's Frequency.

The more people raising their own vibration, the more we affect the Planet's vibration.

I believe Self Love is the fastest way to get there.

When you Love your Holy Self, co-Creation happens around you. Your world gets brighter. Like attracts Like.

When you set your Sails WITH the Wind and have a destination,

you co-Create your Life with your Holy Energy. 

You get this when you know exactly what your Purpose is and share it with others.

Our Planet is Shifting. There is evidence everywhere. 

How do you want to show up right now on the Planet?

Vibrate higher. This is awesome.


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